Writings of Interest

In the past year I have given considerable thought to how complicated the word is today. Posted here are some articles that make sense to me and I think are important to read, consider and maybe investigate further. The maintenance of a free society is a very difficult and complicated thing and it requires a self-denying ordinance of the most extreme kind. Milton Friedman

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Freedom of Reproductive Choice Without Government Intrusion

Freedom of Reproductive Choice Without Government Intrusion

Republicans for Choice®

In the wake of the House vote to bar Planned Parenthood federal funding, we are proud to have received the following statement of support from Republicans for Planned Parenthood:

For 95 years, Planned Parenthood has made vital health care and education available to millions of American families. As a specialist in women’s health, Planned Parenthood provides vital sexual and reproductive health services to three million patients every year at more than 800 health centers nationwide. One in five American women has received care from a Planned Parenthood health center during her lifetime, and for many Americans, Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses are the only health care providers they see. An essential community provider of lifesaving primary and preventive care, Planned Parenthood represents the very best of traditional Republican values — which is why so many Planned Parenthood health centers were founded by Republicans years ago. Republicans for Planned Parenthood are proud to support this vital American institution, which safeguards women’s rights to control their reproductive health and destinies from government interference, and provides necessary care that enables women to plan their families and lead productive lives.


Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice® (RFC) is dedicated to the preservation of individual rights and reproductive freedom. We believe our nation is best served by policies that support family planning and a woman's right to choose, and we actively support Planned Parenthood as a critical health care service provider, especially for women and young people worldwide.

The Republican Party was founded on a commitment to individual liberty and freedom. The party has a proud history of defending individual rights — from fighting to end slavery and working to secure equal protection and voting rights for African Americans, to leading the way in achieving women’s suffrage.

Too often, we only hear about anti-choice Republicans who claim to represent the majority of our party. The simple truth is that they don’t. Republicans for Choice is working to make sure pro-choice Republicans’ voices are heard across the country. We will not be silent while others try to perpetuate the myth that most Republicans are anti-choice.

— Darlee Crockett and Randy Moody, National Co-Chairs, Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice

Our Beliefs

Core Republican values are in harmony with our statement of beliefs:
We believe in the constitutional right of individuals to exercise freedom of reproductive choice without government intrusion.
We support the principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state.
We oppose using the Republican Party to impose specific religious beliefs on others and respect each individual’s right to make private, moral decisions.
We believe that honest, medically accurate sexuality education — including, but not limited to, abstinence — and affordable, accessible family planning services help reduce the numbers of unintended pregnancies and abortions.

Each day, we work at the local and national levels to build support for contraceptive equity, emergency contraception, comprehensive sex education, access to affordable birth control, and access to abortion services.


Each year, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) presents The Barry Goldwater Award to an outstanding public official who has supported Planned Parenthood and reproductive health issues.

Barry Goldwater Award Winners

2010 — State Sen. Jean Schodorf (Kansas)

2009 — U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (Illinois)

2008 — U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (Illinois)

2007 — State Assemblyman Keith Richman (California)

2006 — State Rep. Stan Adelstein (South Dakota)

2005 — U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (New York)

2004 — U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons (Connecticut)

2003 — former Lt. Gov. Joy Corning (Iowa)

2002 — U.S. Rep. Steve Horn (California)

2001 — State Sen. Jeff Wentworth (Texas)

2000 — U.S. Rep. Connie Morella (Maryland) and U.S. Sen. John Chafee (Rhode Island - posthumously)

1999 — U.S. Rep. Bill Green (New York)

1998 — Mary Dent Crisp, former chair of the National Republican Coalition for Choice

1997 — former U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater (Arizona) and his wife Susan

1996 — U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine) and U.S. Rep. Nancy Johnson (Connecticut)

1995 — former Gov. Jock McKernan (Maine)

National Leadership

Darlee Crockett, national co-chair of Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice, has a long history of working with Planned Parenthood and other service organizations. Darlee started as a pregnancy counselor at Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties. Years later, she became president of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, and then chair of the PPFA Western Region. She served on the PPFA Board of Directors for six years, serving two years as an officer.

Randy Moody, national co-chair of Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice and a lifelong Republican, retired in 2010 as manager of federal advocacy at the National Education Association in Washington, DC. There he was the chief lobbyist of the 3.2 million member teachers’ union. Randy was an original board member of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the political and advocacy arm of PPFA, and a founding member of its PAC Committee. Active as a 20-year volunteer for Planned Parenthood, he was a member of the PPFA Board of Directors from 1995 to 2002.


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